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Although we hope you're satisfied with every purchase you make with us, we understand there are times when things need to be returned or exchanged.

What items are eligible for return or exchange?

  • Stock items in new, unused condition are eligible for return or exchange.
  • Non-stock items are subject to the manufacturer's policy and may not be eligible for a return or refund.
  • Custom items (including custom cut or imprinted items) are not eligible for return, refund, or exchange.

*All returns are subject to our thorough inspection.

How do I return or exchange an item?

Damaged items or returns should be reported within 14 days.

  • Most shipping carriers require 6 items to process the claim, so please save the box and packaging until your claim is processed.
  • A photo showing the damaged item and how it was packaged inside the box.
  • A photo of the damaged item.
  • A photo of the packaging material used.
  • A close-up photo of the shipping label with tracking number (generally starts with 1Z).
  • A close-up photo of the box manufacturer's certificate (round stamp on the outside of the box).
  • Two photos showing all six sides of the package (one showing top and two sides, another showing bottom and opposite sides).
  • Please forward all the information above to Customer Service and contact us for an RMA# (Return Merchandise Authorization) before making a return, then write that number on the outside of the shipping box.

Requesting an RMA# accomplishes three things:

  • Ensures there are no surprises when the items arrive at our warehouse.
  • Enables us to process your return faster.
  • You receive the credit you are expecting.

Please note the customer is responsible for the return shipping cost.

How long do I have to return or exchange an item?

Damaged items or returns should be reported within 14 days.

Stocked small wares and equipment:

Returnable 30 days from the delivery date.

Stocked Parts:

Returnable 90 days from the delivery date.

Non-stock products:

Subject to the manufacturer's return policy.
We will notify you of the policy before issuing you an RMA#. If we can return it, we will let you return it.

**No claims can be made for labor or shipping costs unless they are specified in the manufacturer's warranty.

When can I expect to see my return credit?

Credits for most returns will be issued no later than 72 hours of receipt of the return.

How do I return heavy equipment and/or crated items?

We handle returns and exchanges of heavy equipment and/or crated items a little bit differently.

For these items, you must call us within 5 days of receiving the item. Credits will be issued within 30 business days after the receipt of your return. If you're looking to exchange your item, we must first receive the product from you before we ship you the new item.

Can I return chemicals?

Pursuant to state and federal regulations, some chemicals are not returnable. Check with us before requesting an RMA#.

If the chemical is returnable, we will issue an RMA# and mail you a "limited quantity label" that must be affixed to the box before giving it to UPS.

Remember, always contact us before making a return or exchange. And if you have any questions on any part of our return policy, don't hesitate to reach out.

Generally, Refunds are not allowed but you can contact us if you have any problem related to your purchase. Contact us at
